
Chorus Foundation Selects Clicksters Chris Landry & Randall Smith for Major Contract

Chris Landry

Chris Landry

The Chorus Foundation, a sizable and influential Boston grantmaker investing in climate change work in Kentucky and elsewhere, selected Clicksters Chris Landry and Randall Smith to advise the foundation and grantees on messaging strategy.

The Chorus Foundation is interested in the intersection of economic justice and climate change. Specifically, they are investing in managing the transition to a low-carbon economy in a way that works for Main Street, not just Wall Street.

Randall Smith

Randall Smith

"This is the great thing about Click," says Chris. "Randall is the best possible person for me to have brought in as a partner on this project — his skills and background are a perfect fit. And here he was, working in the same space."

Congrats Chris and Randall!  

Friend of Click Valley Venture Mentors Secures $150k grant!

Valley Venture Mentors, a startup mentoring program based in Springfield and co-founded by Click President Paul Silva, today was awarded $150,000 in grant funding from the State at a ceremony officiated by the Governor.  More than 30 programs applied for the funding, only 3 received funding, and the other two programs have budgets of >>10x Valley Venture Mentors.  Not too shabby!  Full press release from the State Government here.

The grant funding will allow significant expansion of mentoring options for Western MA-based startups.  Several Clickster teams are already involved with Valley Venture Mentors (EdgeFlip & KnowledgeWare21), and we expect more will enroll in the coming years.

Congrats Valley Venture Mentors!

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Congrats Chris Landry: Signed a Distribution Agreement for his Latest Short Film

Chris Landry.jpg

Click member Chris Landry has signed a distribution agreement for his short film, Joanna Macy and the Great Turning

The 26-minute film, which is based on an interview with Macy, the 84-year-old environmental writer, teacher and activist, will be distributed by the Video Project, a San Francisco-based company that distributes environmental films to multiple audiences, including colleges, community groups, and consumers.

Chris has been involved in video production for a number of years, but this is his first film. It will be released this spring.  Congrats Chris!